Friday 24 July 2015

Wood Tiger

Thanks to Arthur Chater for this record of a Wood tiger from heather moorland just E of summit of Drybedd near Ponterwyd. This is a rare moth in Ceredigion with only 26 records stretching back to 1897 on heather moorland and peat bogs. Since 1991 there have been 9 records all from Cors Fochno, the most recent being in 2007. It is difficult to know whether this day-flying moth is in decline or just under-recorded because of its habitat requirements. There is a thought that the grazing levels on the uplands may have caused a decline, thankfully the grazing pressure has been reduced in the  Pumlumon  area which may be good news for the Wood tiger. Anyone walking these upland areas in the next couple of weeks may be lucky enough to see one. I have been unable to get a clear picture of the state of this moth around the country but most counties think it is very local and possibly declining.

   Arthur also reported seeing a Thrift clearwing at a lighted window in his home in Aberystwyth. He has known of these moths in his garden for some time but this is the first he has recorded since 2009.


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