Thursday 30 October 2014

Another Merv view

Only one photo I'm afraid, but last night's moths included 4 Merveille all with black band Sarah!
19 Epirrita aggs, Spruce Carpet, Grey Pine Carpet, 1 extremely worn but still recognisable Common Marbled Carpet, Red-Green Carpet, Red Sword-grass, Chestnut, Yellow-line Quaker and Green-brindled Crescent.  The warm Southerlies over the next couple of nights may well be more productive.


  1. Hi Ina. Lovely photo. Any chance of posting a photo of your Chestnut? I seem to have a bit of trouble telling the chestnuts apart but I think the apex of mine was pointed enough (at least on one side).

  2. Sorry Sarah, didn't take a pic, I may be in trouble with the CR when he gets back from his trip! As you say yours looks like it has the 'square' end to the wing that is still intact.

  3. Glad you are hesitating over Chestnuts, I thought I was alone! Are there in- betweenies?


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